Thursday 24 January 2013

Star Wars - Disney

Well we all know now that Disney now owns the rights to Star Wars. In a way I think that is a good thing. Now as soon as they announced the sale, They also announced that they are making Episodes 7-9. Which is good. I want more star wars. But not Lucas Crap. He did great 20 years ago. but When he did his prequels he Destroyed them. Mostly because of Jar Jar. Now if Disney acquired the right after Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. This would have made the first 3 good. but no one will know. Now they are making VII - IX. They have just acquired the new Director. A long list of them their was, but their can only be one.. The One Ring.. oh wait, wrong series. J. J. Abrams. Article Here Hes just finishing up on Star Trek 2 so his mindset will but current. As in SPACE. I like DeathstarPR tweet.

Anyways. Disney has done some good things recently. They own more then you think. Check out this wiki page Here They have done great with the Marvel. And more to come. Interesting list their.

Now, I love star wars. if they just stuck with the 4-6 i would be happy. after 7-9 is done. if they try to tackle and redo 1-3 I would love that.

Spin offs. lots can happen.
I guess they cant own everything. They have to sell off stuff
 That is all my blog for today. Hope you enjoyed this one..

Tuesday 22 January 2013

WWE Royal Rumble 2013

Well this Sunday is the WWE Royal Rumble 2013.

We have a good card.
For the WWE Champioship we have (Champ) CM Punk vs The Rock
- I think that the Rock is gonna win.

U.S. Championship (Champ) Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz
- The Miz will win.

World Heavyweight Championship (Champ) Alberto Del Rio vs. The Big Show
- Alberto Del Rio will keep his belt.

Where who ever survives goes to Wrestle mania. Lots of contenders this year. Who do you think is going to win? here is the current known list.(from the wwe site)

  • John Cena
  • Sheamus
  • Randy Orton
  • Dolph Ziggler (has to choose between No. 1 or No. 2)
  • 3MB (Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre)
  • United States Champion Antonio Cesaro
  • Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett
  • The Miz
  • Ryback

  • As for the Royal Rumble? As for known contenders, This year I think that Cena will win. I'm not a huge Cena fan, but I think he will win. I'm sure the list of know will reveal more on smack down, but the WWE is always full of surprises. so Cena might not be my pick when the PPV comes around.
    We know that Mick Foley has been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame 2013. so I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up as one or all 4 of his characters. Himself Mick Foley. Cactus Jack. Mankind or Dude Love. But like i said full of surprises, and normally old superstars.

    So as of right now. Cena

    My Top 5 from the Known list that Will last the Longest
    1. Cena
    2. Orton
    3. Ryback
    4. Heath Slater

    So who are you going for??

    Monday 21 January 2013

    WWE 13

    Played the game for a few hours. I like it a lot. Haven't played a WWE game for a couple of years. Never picked up the last two I think.

    Started my game in the Attitude era. I'm sure everyone who grew up in the Attitude era did as well when they started the game. As that's the main story mode on this game.

    Gotta say right off the bat, a video popped up and telling the story of how it began in 1993.

    First match

    Each match has an objective. And historical objectives as well. This one was hit Mankind with a chair and win by pin fall.

    Your gonna want to watch each entrance. They are right on. Even with the video. Walking moves etc. taker was the best! His entrance was old school and even turned the lights on!

    Playing on easy, learning the controls. I must have retried to beat the British bulldog about 10 times. Keep on loosing.
    The historic objective was 4 things to do. But win by submission. Doing the move was easy! HBK had about 3/4 of them on his move set. Found out at about the sixth time that you have to use the joysticks as your in the move.

    Looked at the matches you can play. And lots of people are locked.

    The DLC 1200 or 1400 ms points for Everything or you can pay 80 msp for 1 wrestler, or add on. And like most games 800 msp if you don't have the code for on line play. Most EA games has these.

    At the current state. Only playing 2 hours, not sure when I will play again. It's from the library and I'm busy during the week.

    I will give this game 4.5 LD POINTS out of 5.

    And I've only played a few hours.

    I will pick this game up, but not at full place. Wait till it drops to the $30.00 mark.

    Thanks for reading.

    Sunday 20 January 2013

    The Color of Money

    I am going to review the Blu-Ray version of the Color of Money. I loved this film when I was younger. Haven't seen it in ages, so my thoughts of the film might change once I am done watching it.

    Here is the IMDB link for the movie info if you would like to read about the film.

    imbd Color of money

    This film is directed by Martin Scorsese
    and it stars Paul Newman, Tom Cruise, and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
    Released in 1986.

    My review is going to be

    The Quality of the Blu-Ray
    My Thoughts on the film
    Would I recommend this film to other
    Best Part of the movie
    Worst Part of the movie

    and finally my LD Points where i rank it 0-5 LD Points

    Alright the Quality of the movie is really good. turning an old movie and updating it with the technology today is amazing. This is a movie about Pool. Might have been why I like pool. I love Pool hall Junkies as well but that's a complete different film. This is a Scorsese film. So you cant take this film as being old, out of date, boring, cause there is no action scenes, no special effects. you take it as it is. The art of directing is like drawing a picture. you look at a Van goth and Picasso different for a reason.

    Not to found of the hairiness of Newman, that's not why I love the film. Love it cause of the Pool aspect, and the pace of the movie. lots of story to tell. If you have the time to sit down and watch this movie to the full extent. By full extent, make sure your phones are off and your comfortable watching it. And no need for loud speakers. its mostly in pool halls.

    The best Part, is for the most the pool shots. and hustling the other players. Newman does a great job being a teacher. and Cruise the student. I think the whole movie is great.

    I didn't like the opening credits, they were long. a little to long. but if you watch the speed of the credits you know that's the speed of the film as well. so take that into effect.

    I still love this film, but not as much as i remember. I am giving this a 4.2 LD Points out of 5

    Green Day Uno

    Well I just loaded Green Day Uno onto my PC. will transfer to my iPod later. For how long this band has been together now. This CD is ok so far. Now they are doing a Trio of CDs. Uno Duo Tros. All 3 have been relased now. less then 1 year. thats about 35+ songs over 3 cds. thats a little quick, so what does that mean? is this their last CD? or is their their comeback saying that they still have it. Blink 182 came out with a new CD recently. Neibourhoods. I like it alot. This Cd sounds like their old stuff. Green Day still have the feel of the classics, like Nimrod, Dookie, ect. Ive only heard a few songs off the radio. So I dont know theses songs. but they are good.

    i give this CD currently. not played all the way through yet.
    4.0 LD POINTS out of 5

    I will be buying the full pack once they produce all 3 in one case. not what they have now.